
Arrays of individual neutral atoms in optical tweezers have been demonstrated as an excellent platform to study fundamental research as well as technologies involving quantum simulators, memories, atomic clocks, and metrology. As an alkaline-earth element, strontium has a rich energy structure that allows for trappable Rydberg states as well as access to a metastable, clock state.

The Will Lab brings new innovations to the tweezer platform:

  1. Demonstration of a novel dispenser-based 2D MOT for strontium that provides a high atomic flux while being compact.
  2. The development and implementation of holographic metasurfaces for the creation of high quality optical tweezer arrays with arbitrary geometries in 1D, 2D, and 3D.
  3. Tweezer wavelength of 520 nm which is an unexplored magic wavelength of the strontium intercombination line.
novel strontium dispensers with shields 3D MOT of a couple million atoms in the glass cell metasurface generated tweezer array in the shape of a quasicrystal